The Associate Banks Officers’ Association (ABOA) was founded at a solemn function at the Head Office of the State Bank of Hyderabad on the 26th of November 1967. Registered as a Unitary Organisation though, ABOA, for all intents and purposes, is a Federation of the five units of the Associate Banks of the State Bank of India, each functioning almost independent of one another. The warm responsiveness to the national and social cause while working for the progressive improvement in service conditions and welfare of the members has been the hallmark of ABOA that represents over 20000 officers across the five Units. A non-political and independent Trade Union, ABOA is led by serving Bank officers only. It is one of the strongest constituents of the national apex organization, the All India Bank Officers’ Organisation (AIBOC), the largest bargaining body of the bank officers across the country at the industry level. It is also affiliated to the All India State Bank officers’ Federation (AISBOF).
Persatuan Bersekutu Bank Pegawai (Aboa) ditubuhkan pada satu majlis penuh di Ibu Pejabat State Bank of Hyderabad pada 26 November 1967. Berdaftar sebagai Organisasi Kesatuan walaupun, Aboa, bagi semua maksud dan tujuan, adalah sebuah Persekutuan daripada lima unit Bank Bersekutu State Bank of India, masing-masing berfungsi hampir bebas daripada satu sama lain. Tindak balas hangat kepada perjuangan kebangsaan dan sosial semasa bekerja untuk peningkatan progresif dalam syarat-syarat perkhidmatan dan kebajikan ahli-ahli telah menjadi lambang Aboa yang mewakili lebih 20000 pegawai di seluruh lima Unit. A Kesatuan Sekerja bukan politik dan bebas, Aboa diketuai oleh pegawai yang sedang berkhidmat Bank sahaja. Ia adalah salah satu juzuk kuat organisasi tertinggi negara, Pertubuhan Pegawai All India Bank (AIBOC), badan tawar terbesar yang dibeli oleh seluruh negara di peringkat industri. Ia juga bergabung dengan persekutuan pegawai All India State Bank '(AISBOF).